Today I think of Dante's description of "The Bright World" and my thoughts begin to dwell on those of Beauty, of light and of the earth and I sink into my true self - my artist self - then I think of of the dark world where many so blindly live... the destructive places, the holes and the dirty trenches - where like cockroaches - some humans dwell.
Do they not recognize the bright world - why do they persist to live in the destructive hell holes? Thieves, addicts, abusers, cheats, traitors...
Our youngest arrivals - bright and full of promise - reflect the bright world in their sparkling eyes. Yet for so many the sparkles will fade. When does their world turn? Why do some slip in the cracks - fall into the hell hole? Why do some follow - others even jump? And my heart fills with such deep sadness knowing that the only way out is thru pain and suffering - like Dante's Journey. Some will make it back to the bright world. Some won't. Some will forget that it is even there. We all slip. We all need a Virgil.
Is Virgil like the silver thread of faith and experience? The hand that has passed thru the flames before us... the guide. It is said that when we are ready, that a guide will come to us. Will we know it? Will we follow? Will we once again see "the bright world"?